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Sleep on vacation

Sleep on vacation

During the summer months, many people go on vacation to rest and recharge their batteries. Although the idea of ​​relaxing and resting on vacation sounds appealing, many experience sleep problems when they travel. But why do some people actually sleep worse during their holiday? And how do you prevent sleeping problems when you travel? In this blog we give you some useful tips to ensure that you get a better night's sleep while traveling.

Why do people sleep worse on vacation?

Sleeping in a new environment, such as a hotel room or a strange bed, can be uncomfortable. It may take a while for your body to get used to the unfamiliar mattress, which can make it more difficult for you to fall asleep or sleep more restlessly. Usually it takes at least 14 to 30 days before you really get used to a new mattress. Unfortunately, that period is often too long when you are on vacation.

Going on vacation can also bring a mix of stress and excitement. You may be excited about the new experiences that await you, but at the same time stressors may arise, such as planning activities, arranging accommodation or dealing with new situations. These emotions can also disrupt your sleep patterns. In addition, a disturbed sleep rhythm can also contribute to a worse night's sleep while traveling. On vacation there is often more flexibility in the daily schedule. For example, people stay up longer than usual because they want to get the most out of their day. This can lead to an irregular sleeping pattern.

Sleep tips for vacation

Do you sometimes sleep poorly on vacation? Fortunately, there are some effective sleeping tips that you can apply during your holiday for a better night's sleep:

Try to stick to your regular sleep times as much as possible, including going to bed and getting up at the same time. This helps your body to stay in a regular sleep rhythm. On vacation, people tend to stay up late and sleep longer in the morning.

  • While it can be tempting to let go of your normal sleep patterns, doing so can lead to sleep problems and fatigue. So try to stay consistent with your sleeping times
  • Create a restful sleeping environment: Make sure your hotel room or accommodation is a comfortable and peaceful environment in which to sleep. Use earplugs or a sleep mask if necessary.
  • Limit exposure to screens before bed: The blue light from electronic devices can disrupt your sleep. Try to turn off your phone, tablet or laptop at least an hour before going to sleep. Instead, read a book, relax with a warm bath, or do some relaxation exercises.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed: Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks can keep you awake, while alcohol can impair your sleep quality. Limit the use of these substances and instead drink a cup of herbal tea or warm milk before bed.
  • Do relaxation exercises: Take some time before going to bed to relax and unwind. This can include breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or listening to calming music. This will help you release stress and tension and promote a good night's sleep.

What if you travel to another time zone by plane?

If you travel to a different time zone, you may experience jet lag. Jet lag is, as it were, a disruption of your normal sleep-wake rhythm and that arises when you travel and cross different time zones. Your internal biological clock is still tuned to your original time zone, which can lead to sleep problems. That is why you may have trouble falling asleep, wake up early or feel sleepy during the day.

Sleeping on an airplane can also be a challenge. It can be noisy, the lighting can be bright and you have limited space and possibilities to find a comfortable sleeping position. To sleep as comfortably as possible during a flight, you can use a number of products:

  • A sleeping mask from Tempur for example, can help block light and create a dark sleeping environment, even if the environment is bright.
  • In addition, a travel pillow can provide support and comfort for your neck and head while traveling.
  • A travel kit with essential sleeping accessories, such as an eye mask, ear plugs and a neck pillow , can also be useful.

Do you want to prevent jet lag? Then one of the most important tips against jet lag is to start getting used to the new time zone before your trip. Adjust your sleep schedule to the new time zone a few days before departure so that your body can gradually adjust to the change. Also make sure you board the plane rested, drink plenty of water and seek daylight to help your internal clock adjust to the new time zone.

Bosmans Sleeping Comfort is happy to provide advice

Do you want to prevent jet lag? Then one of the most important tips against jet lag is to start getting used to the new time zone before your trip. Adjust your sleep schedule to the new time zone a few days before departure so that your body can gradually adjust to the change. Also make sure you board the plane rested, drink plenty of water and seek daylight to help your internal clock adjust to the new time zone.

Bosmans Sleeping Comfort is happy to provide advice

Are you going on a trip soon and do you have any specific questions? Then be sure to visit our store in Heist-op-den-Berg. Our sleep experts are happy to help you.

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